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We designed and developed Bedmax shavings over 20 years ago specifically to help prevent horses from suffering these serious, stable-related horse health problems.
Now we want to help spread the message that vets are promoting: Don’t let your horse suffer. Prevention is far better for you, your horse and your pocket than cure.
Latest Articles
Why Bedmax Uses Pine To Make Shavings
Bedmax is the only UK Manufacturer of horse and animal bedding to use Pine wood. While the...
20 Top Tips for Horse Owners to Survive the Winter
Just like that, autumn is here! Now’s the perfect time to start preparing for winter. Here are our...
Six Signs Of Autumn Laminitis
Most of us are familiar with the spring upsurge in laminitis, when horses are grazing on fresh...
Bedmax Podcasts
Bedmax Stable Talk is a series of fascinating interviews with experts from every corner of the equestrian world. You name them, we’re talking to them. And if you want to be kept informed about new episodes you can follow us on our social media channels…
Popular Articles from the Archive
Bedmax Surveys
Find out what we discovered through our annual equine health survey.
Bed Making Tips
See how our experts recommend making the best bed for your horse and your pocket.
The Environment
As a company, we are continually striving to minimise our impact on the environment.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Whether it be bedding or packaging, use our products in an environmentally friendly way.