Bedmax Introduces Strawmax

Bedmax expands equine bedding range to manufacture 100% natural dust-extracted straw pellets

This week sees the launch of new bespoke horse bedding Strawmax, a natural straw pellets bedding brand. Manufactured by pioneering horse bedding producers Bedmax Ltd, this innovative new product expands their equine and livestock bedding range.

Like its siblings – Bedmax, Littlemax and Stockmax – Strawmax is made to the same exacting standards that the company is renowned for within the British equestrian industry. Using the very finest wheat straw, this high-quality and eco-friendly equine bedding is a dust-extracted, super absorbent, sustainable, and cost-effective alternative, meeting the range of needs for owners with stabled horses. Straw pellets need less mucking out, are easily compostable, and easy to use, giving a convenient and flexible additional option to customers.

Screened and dried to high temperatures and packaged in 15kg bags Strawmax is:

  • Natural
  • Economical
  • Highly Absorbent
  • Time Saving
  • Eco-friendly

Tim Smalley, Managing Director of the company explains:

“Straw remains one of the most popular bedding choices for horse owners, but it is not always beneficial to horse health, especially in terms of air quality in the stable. That is why significant research and development has been put into Strawmax, creating a product that combines horse owner’s preference for straw with a healthier, cost-effective alternative which makes it an ideal choice for leisure riders.”

Quality of straw can vary immensely, but it is imperative that horses have top-end quality, so Strawmax has been focussed on guaranteeing this assurance in every bag. This new product’s credentials speak for themselves, being 100% natural and recycled British straw, offering a highly efficient absorption to reduce odours in the stable. Strawmax has been specifically developed for horses that do not spend long periods in their stables and is ideal for messy horses where maintenance costs are a priority.

Lucy Vitrioni, a yard owner who trialled Strawmax for the last three months in Yorkshire gives her feedback:

“What I really like about the bedding is that it is very absorbent, and that when I compare it to mucking out my straw stable, straw pellets make it far less work and there is just far less waste because the pellets are far more absorbent. We’ve also found that with Strawmax there has been no problem with the horses eating their bed, which is great.”

Coming off the production line at the Belford plant, for 20 years this Northumberland based company has led the way in promoting equine health through bedding. With evidence showing that shavings are not always the preferred bedding option for horse owners, Strawmax continues its tradition of delivering pioneering solutions to safeguard horses from the many serious health risks to horse wellbeing and fitness with Strawmax.

This addition to the Bedmax family, completes a suite of bedding products to cater for every horse owner’s preference, as Tim Smalley concludes:
“We have for two decades set the gold standard in equine bedding, and this will always continue to be our aim. Our experience has latterly taught us, however, that purpose-made shavings may not always be the preferred bedding choice for every horse and every owner, and that new types of bedding can provide different benefits and meet different priorities.”

Like pine shavings, the straw pellets are low dust and keep the stable air clean. For the horse, they provide a warm and comfortable experience, and for the price conscious owner they are easy to work with and offer a less expensive alternative to shavings. As the product is easily identifiable when wet, it is also easy to see what needs removing, resulting in low muck-out waste.

Passionate about lowering impact on the environment, as with Bedmax’s range of pine shavings, Strawmax is eco-friendly and made from a by-product of the farming industry that composts extremely quickly.

Strawmax is available through equine retailer outlets across the North of England and Scotland and comes in distinctive 15kg bags that follow the same branded look as the rest of the Bedmax range.

Have you tried Hotmax?

Made by Bedmax, Hotmax fuel logs are an ideal fuel for your home in winter and for outdoor use in summer.

These high-density compacted heat logs are made from 100% natural, recycled wood dust. They’re denser, drier and burn cleaner than even the best kiln dried or seasoned hardwood logs.

They’re quick and easy to light and give you high heat fast with very low emissions and minimal ash residue.

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